Since I took control of Long Lake in 2012, I have been trying to secure the fishing rights to The Nursery Lake next door, this was finally completed in July of 2019.
The lake itself is about 35 acres, and we have fishing rights on 50% of the lake, the rest is out of bounds.
We have just started an 8 man syndicate on the lake, but this may increase as time goes on.
The stock of the lake is hard to be precise, but around 40-50 fish is a reasonable guess, many of these are over 30lb, with about 8 forties and two possible fifties at the right time of year. Included in the stock are a number of Leney strain fish that escaped into the lake from the river Thames. One of which is a 40lb+ fully scaled and another of 38lb+ which is a linear. The rest of the stock are mainly big Simmo’s and a handful of other fish of unknown origin.
This is a big wild pit, not for inexperienced anglers, the rules are different from the rest of the lakes to suit the angling conditions present.
We are not running a waiting list for this lake, it will be by invitation only.